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Levitate Sound Healing | North Carolina
Levitate Sound Healing | North Carolina



Thank you for allowing us to be a part of your healing journey.


At Levitate, we provide a Sound Therapy experience that resonates throughout the most intimate parts of your physical and emotional being. Our guided Sound Baths center you in deep relaxation, allowing you to perform intense soul work with support and comfort safely.


Sound Therapy uses sound, vibration, and intention to gently transition a person from a normal waking state of consciousness (beta) to a highly relaxed state of consciousness (alpha, theta, and delta). In this relaxed state, a person's own innate healing abilities are able to work more effectively to bring the person back into homeostasis - an optimal level of vibrational alignment that enhances overall health and well-being.


We believe that through Sound Therapy, individuals, couples, and groups can reconnect with their authentic selves and clear any mental, emotional, and physical blockages that may obstruct your pure divine light.



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Allegra Shonta is a holistic provider who's work focuses on balancing chakra energy, increasing emotional, spiritual, mental, and physical alignment, and improving the overall quality of life for individuals, couples, and families.


Allegra Shonta earned her Certification as an Expert Level Sound Healer from Life Changing Energy, accredited by the Complementary Medical Association (CMA). She is also a Certified Restorative Yoga Teacher and holds an active license through the North Carolina Board of Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselors (NCBLCMHC) as a Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor (LCMHC).


Allegra Shonta integrates her 15 years of mental health experience and her training as a sound healer to support clients in identifying imbalances in their bodies and interpersonal relationships. She guides clients in identifying how the identified imbalances may be creating physical and emotional blockages and discomfort. Through the use of sound healing treatment, Allegra Shonta offers holistic support in removing blockages and alleviating discomfort. 

Our guided Sound Baths focus on clearing and aligning the seven main Chakras that exist along the spine.

Root - Sacral - Solar Plexus - Heart - Throat - Third Eye - Crown


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