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Crown Chakra



Your crown chakra, located at the top of your head, allows you to feel spiritually connected to the universe, yourself, and others.

Throat Chakra



Your throat chakra is connected to your ability to communicate and speak your inner truth.

Solar Plexus Chakra



The solar plexus chakra, located in your stomach area, plays a role in your self-esteem and confidence.

Root Chakra



Responsible for your sense of security and stability, the root chakra is located at the base of your spine.

Third Eye Chakra



Intuition, gut instinct, and imagination are all linked to the third-eye chakra, which is located between your eyes.

Heart Chakra



In the center of your chest, the heart chakra affects your ability to love and show compassion.

Sacral Chakra



Located just below your belly button, the sacral chakra is linked to your creative and sexual energy, as well as your emotions.

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Chakra Healing | Levitate Sound Healing | North Carolina

Crown Chakra

Third Eye Chakra

Throat Chakra

Heart Chakra

Solar Plexus Chakra

Sacral Chakra

Root Chakra

Your crown chakra, located at the top of your head, allows you to feel spiritually connected to the universe, yourself, and others.

Intuition, gut instinct, and imagination are all linked to the third-eye chakra, which is located between your eyes.

Your throat chakra is connected to your ability to communicate and speak your inner truth.

In the center of your chest, the heart chakra affects your ability to love and show compassion.

The solar plexus chakra, located in your stomach area, plays a role in your self-esteem and confidence.

Located just below your belly button, the sacral chakra is linked to your creative and sexual energy, as well as your emotions.

Responsible for your sense of security and stability, the root chakra is located at the base of your spine.

Image by Jeremy Thomas
Crown Chakra

Located at the top of the head and represented by the color violet or white. The Crown Chakra is also linked to every other chakra and every organ/system they’re associated with.


Emotional/Mental: Spirituality, awareness, intelligence, enlightenment, energetic thoughts, inner wisdom, and the cosmos, connection to life’s purpose

Physical/Body: Brain, pineal gland, pituitary gland, nervous system

Blocked: Narrow-minded, skeptical, or stubborn, depression, disconnection from the outside world, frustration, and destructive emotions.

Aligned/Open: Keeps all the other chakras open, bliss and enlightenment; the ego no longer rules Self; gratitude, compassion, and acceptance become our true Self, rejection of all negative thoughts that bring unhappiness and stress.

Element: Thought

Crown Chakra | Levitate Sound Healing | North Carolina

Crown Chakra

Image by Jeremy Thomas
Third Eye Chakra
Third Eye Chakra | Levitate Sound Healing | North Carolina

Third Eye Chakra

Located in the center of the head between the eyes and is represented by the color indigo.


Emotional/Mental: Perception, imagination, memory, knowledge, intuition, inner vision, notice the connections in the world around you and beyond

Physical/Body: Eye, ear, nose and throat, hypothalamus, nervous system, 

Blocked: Headaches, migraines, blurry vision, issues with sight or concentration, hearing problems, trouble listening to reality, being a “know it all,” not in touch with intuition, sleep disorder, paranoia, mental rigidity

Aligned/Open: Follow their intuition, ability to see the big picture, enlightened, free from earthly attachments

Element: Light

Throat Chakra
Image by Jeremy Thomas

Located in the center of the neck and is represented by the color blue.


Emotional/Mental: Verbal communication, self-expression 

Physical/Body: Neck, mouth, tongue, voice, neck, jaw, shoulders, arms, head, thyroid gland

Blocked: Sore throat, loss of voice, problems with teeth, gums, and mouth, dominating conversations, gossiping, speaking without thinking, and having trouble speaking your mind, dishonesty, lack of wisdom, thyroid problems, 

Aligned/Open: Speak and listen with compassion and feel confident when you speak because you know you are being true to yourself with your words

Element: Ether

Throat Chakra | Levitate Sound Healing | North Carolina

Throat Chakra

Image by Jeremy Thomas
Heart Chakra
Heart Chakra | Levitate Sound Healing | North Carolina

Heart Chakra

Located in the center of the chest, just above the heart, and is represented by the color green. The Heart Chakra connects the body's physical energy to its spiritual energy.


Emotional/Mental: Love for self and others, connection to others, harmony, growth, peace, compassion, trust

Physical/Body: Heart, lungs, thymus gland

Blocked: Digestive problems, liver problems, diabetes, ulcers, heartburn, eating disorders, indigestion depression, low self-esteem, frustration, lack of direction, decreased mental clarity

Aligned/Open: Energetic, productive, confident, sense of self-worth

Element: Air

Image by Jeremy Thomas
Solar Plexus Chakra

Located in the upper abdomen, the stomach area, and is represented by the color yellow.


Emotional/Mental: Self-esteem, confidence, anger, aggression, ego.

Physical/Body: Digestive system, upper body muscles, pancreas, liver, nervous system, metabolism, adrenal gland

Blocked: Digestive problems, liver problems, diabetes, ulcers, heartburn, eating disorders, indigestion, depression, low self-esteem, frustration, lack of direction, decreased mental clarity

Aligned/Open: Energetic, productive, confident, sense of self-worth

Element: Fire


Solar Plexus Chakra

Image by Jeremy Thomas
Sacral Chakra
Sacral Chakra | Levitate Sound Healing | North Carolina

Sacral Chakra

Located just below the belly button, above the pubic bone, and is represented by the color orange.


Emotional/Mental: Connected to our feelings of self-worth, and even more specifically, our self-worth around pleasure, sexuality, compassion, adaptability, and creativity.

Physical/Body: Gallbladder, womb, female reproductive organs, lower abdomen, kidney, skin, spleen.

Blocked: Problems with the associated organs, like urinary tract infections, lower back pain, and impotency; emotional instability, depression, gout, eating disorders, alcoholism, and lack of creativity.

Aligned/Open: Increased sense of self-worth, regular self-care, healthy relationships, inspiration, comfortable with your body, embrace change, sense of excitement, enjoy the moment.

Element: Water

Image by Jeremy Thomas
Root Chakra

Located at the base of the spine and is represented by the color red.


Emotional/Mental: Stability, grounding, feelings of survival and security; basic needs are met, dependency

Physical/Body: Our physical identity, legs, feet, spine, prostrate, large intestine, adrenal glands, male reproductive organs

Blocked: Manifest as physical issues like arthritis, constipation, and bladder or colon problems, or emotionally through feeling insecure about finances or our basic needs and well-being; fear or procrastination, and lack of purpose. 

Aligned/Open: Feel grounded and secure, both physically and emotionally, with independence, strength

Element: Earth

Root Chakra | Levitate Sound Healing | North Carolina

Root Chakra

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