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Your Sound Healing Session

Set your intentions

You can Identify one thought, idea, opinion, feeling, emotion, or symbol that represents what you want to achieve and/or how you want to feel after your sound bath.


Transition to a sacred space

Approximately 10-15 minutes prior to your sound bath, take a moment to just quiet your mind and let your body be still.


Come as you are

Bring current challenges and concerns and use your sound bath as an opportunity to explore the energy surrounding them.


Nourish your body

Eat fresh, vibrant foods and avoid sugar and caffeine to help your mind and body settle and relax. Hydrating with water and herbal tea will help cleanse and repair your body during your sound healing session.


Make yourself comfortable

Wear warm and comfortable/loose-fitting clothing; you may want to bring pillows and/or a blanket.


Eliminate distractions and interruptions.

Use the bathroom, secure your belongings, and silence all electronic devices.


Your Sound Healing Session

Consultation with your sound healer

Your sound healer will talk with you for approximately 15 minutes prior to your sound bath about the symptoms you’ve been experiencing, the frequency/severity of those symptoms, and past treatments to determine what areas to focus on and what instruments are required during the sound bath session.


What to do with your body

Position yourself comfortably on the floor or mat; let your limbs rest as you lie still. You can close your eyes or leave them open. Breathe slowly and deeply, using your breath to move energy through your body.


Interactions during your sound bath session

  1. Your sound healer may walk around the space.

  2. Your sound healer may describe what areas and/or chakras are being targeted.

  3. Your sound healer may ask you to listen intently.

  4. Your sound healer may ask you to imagine different ideas or focus on a specific thought/sensation.

  5. Your sound healer may ask you to repeat affirmations out loud.


Your Sound Healing Session

How to care for yourself in the next 48 – 72 hours.


Replenish yourself

Drink lots of water and eat fresh, vibrant foods.


Keep your body energized.

Find ways throughout your daily routine to increase body movement.


Protect your peace

Avoid stressful situations and engage in positive and encouraging self-talk.



The effects of a sound bath session can occur hours to months following the session, so consult with appropriate practitioners/healthcare providers about any physical and/or emotional changes you may notice at any time following your sound bath session.

Physical Symptoms and Sensations

  • Tingling

  • Warmth

  • Coolness

  • Lightweight

  • Heaviness

  • Dizziness

  • Headaches

  • Insomnia

  • Hypersomnia

  • Body aches

  • Stiffness

  • Numbness

  • ​Shortness of breath

  • Coughing

  • Sneezing

  • Sweating

  • Itching

  • Burning

  • Cramping

  • Swelling

  • Sore throat

  • Watery eyes

  • Ringing ears

  • Dry mouth

Emotional Symptoms and Sensations

  • Relief

  • Happiness

  • Sadness

  • Wholeness

  • Completeness

  • Enlightenment

  • Detachment

  • Anxiety

  • Centered

  • Connectedness

  • Gratification

  • Love

  • Restoration

  • Lack of Inhibition

  • Openness

  • Anger

  • Liberation

  • Strength

  • Increased sense of value

  • Increased sense of self-worth

  • Clarity

  • Increased/decreased energy

  • Vivid thoughts/memories

  • Flashbacks

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